Company Overview
Claim CompanyInterested Geographies SouthEast Asia, East Asia, Western Europe, UK, Eastern Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania, Southern Africa, | Interested Industries Auto & Automotive, Building & Construction, Electric & Electronics, Agriculture & Forestry, Medical & Pharma, Packing & Packaging, Industrial Engineering, Telecommunication |
Events Participated 165 Organized | Representatives - |
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+IACT is a registered International Academy of Computing Technology. IACT plays an influential role and promotes developments in Computing Technology in a wide range of ways. The mission of IACT is to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise.IACT organizes conferences, workshops, and provides sponsor or technical support to conferences and workshops. IACT seeks to encourage regional and internation ... Show Moreal communication and collaboration; promote professional interaction and lifelong learning; recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations; encourage scholar researchers to pursue studies and careers in Computing Technology. We also welcome research that highlights successful modern applications of Computing Technology, such as Agriculture, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics, Business, Chemical, Environment, Education, E-Learning, Geography, Mathematics and Physics.All papers in our conference proceedings will be published by the well-known press, and will be submitted to the major indexing services for indexing.We offer the higher education link between different countries, such as Singapore, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Sweden, British, Malaysia, India, Norway, Finland and Philippines. We invest into higher education and manage relevant institutes. We provide the services of the exchanging of worldwide education and culture. We provide the admission service of colleges (schools) and universities for overseas students with respect to A-level, foundation, diploma, first degree, master and doctor degree.We prepare, promote, arrange, organize, implement and conduct international academic visiting and learning tours to Singapore with issuing the invitation letter for visa of Singapore and other countries and arranging the programs of visiting, meeting and tours. Show Less
Event Calendar
20th - 22nd Sep, 2024 | International Conference on Big Data and Machine LearningXiamen, China #IT | |
20th - 22nd Sep, 2024 | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern RecognitionXiamen, China #IT | - |
18th - 20th Oct, 2024 | International Conference on Advances in Image ProcessingChengdu, China #IT | |
18th - 20th Oct, 2024 | International Communication Engineering and Cloud Computing ConferenceChengdu, China #Telecommunic... #IT | - |
18th - 20th Oct, 2024 | International Conference on Advances in Electronics EngineeringChengdu, China #Electric #Telecommunic... | - |
International Academy of Computing Technology (IACT) as Event Organizer
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